Universal Messumformer / transmitter CI 45 Seite / page 2
Name Value range Description Your value
tEmP 0...9999 Temperature of sensor for O2Measurement µ
t.I 0,1...9999 Integrator time [min] µ
P.I -9999...9999 Integrator offset µ
InP.1, InP.2
Name Value range Description
InL.1 (2) -1999...9999 Input value for the lower scaling point
OuL.1 (2) -1999...9999 Displayed value for the lower scaling point
InH.1 (2) -1999...9999 Input value for the upper scaling point
OuH.1 (2) -1999...9999 Displayed value for the lower scaling point
t.F1 (2) 0...999,9 Filter time constant [s]
b.F1 (2) 0...9999 Filter bandwidth
E.tc1 (2) OFF, 0...100 External temperature compensation [°C]
Name Value range Beschreibung
Cnt.d 0,1...9999 Counter divider
Cnt.S 0...9999 Counter start value
Cnt.E 0...9999 Counter end value
Frq.L 0,000...100,0 lower input value [kHz]
Ou.L -1999...9999 lower output value [phys.]
Frq.H 0,000...100,0 upper input value [kHz]
Ou.H -1999...9999 Upper output value [phys.]
Frq.F 0,0...9999 filter time [s]
Name Value range Description
L.1 -1999...9999 Lower limit 1 (L.1< -1999 =off)
H.1 -1999...9999 Upper limit 1 (H.1< -1999 =off)
HYS.1 0...9999 Hysteresis limit 1
dEL.1 0...9999 Alarm delay from limit value 1
L.2 -1999...9999 Lower limit 2 (L.2< -1999 =off)
H.2 -1999...9999 Upper limit 2 (H.2< -1999 =off)
HYS.2 0...9999 Hysteresis limit 2
dEL.2 0...9999 Alarm delay from limit value 2
L.3 -1999...9999 Lower limit 3 (L.3< -1999 =off)
H.3 -1999...9999 Upper limit 3 (H.3< -1999 =off)
HYS.3 0...9999 Hysteresis limit 3
dEL.3 0...9999 Alarm delay from limit value 3
Name Value
range Description
Fnc.1 Funktion 1 µ
1Process value = Inp1
2difference (Inp1 - Inp2)
3max. (Inp1, Inp2)
4min. (Inp1, Inp2)
5mean value (Inp1, Inp2)
6Switch-over (Inp1, Inp2)
7O2-function with constant probe temperature
8O2-function with measured probe temperature
9Counter / Frequency
10 Process value = Inp1 (TC from Inp2)
Fnc.2 Function 2
0no function
2Square root
Fnc.3 Funktion 3 µ
0no function
2sample & hold
Name Value
range Description
S.tYP Sensor type selection
0thermocouple type L (-100...900°C) , Fe-CuNi DIN
1thermocouple type J (-100...1200°C) , Fe-CuNi
2thermocouple type K (-100...1350°C), NiCr-Ni
Name Value
range Description
3thermocouple type N (-100...1300°C), Nicrosil-Nisil
4thermocouple type S (0...1760°C), PtRh-Pt10%
5thermocouple type R (0...1760°C), PtRh-Pt13%
6thermocouple type T (-200...400°C), Cu-CuNi
7thermocouple type C (0...2315°C), W5%Re-W26%Re
8thermocouple type D (0...2315°C), W3%Re-W25%Re
9thermocouple type E (-100...1000°C), NiCr-CuNi
10 thermocouple type B (0/100...1820°C), PtRh-Pt6%
18 special thermocouple (linearization necessary)
20 Pt100 (-200.0 ... 100,0 (150,0) °C)
21 Pt100 (-200.0 ... 850,0 °C)
22 Pt1000 (-200.0...850.0 °C)
23 special 0...4500 Ohm (preset to KTY11-6)
24 special 0...450 Ohm
25 special 0...1600 Ohm
26 special 0...160 Ohm
30 0...20mA / 4...20 mA
40 0...10V / 2...10 V ( Inp.1 only)
41 special (-2,5...115 mV)
42 special (-25...1150 mV)
43 special (-25...90 mV)
44 special (-500...500 mV)
45 special (-5...5 V) (Inp.1 only)
46 special (-10...10 V) (Inp.1 only)
47 special (-200..200 mV)
50 potentiometer 0...160 Ohm
51 potentiometer 0...450 Ohm
52 potentiometer 0...1600 Ohm
53 potentiometer 0...4500 Ohm
4wir Type of resistance connection (only for Inp.1)
S.Lin Linearization only adjustable at S.tYP:18, 23 ... 47
1Linearization to specification. Creation of lineariza-
tion table with BlueControl (engineering tool) possi-
ble. The characteristic for KTY 11-6 temperature
sensors is preset.
Corr Measured value correction / scaling
0Without scaling
1Offset correction (at CAL level)
22-point correction (at CAL level)
3Scaling (at PArA level)
Alternative value for INPx
Name Value
range Description
I.Fnc Function select
0Control input
1up counter, positive edge
2up counter, negative edge
3down counter, positive edge
4down counter, negative edge
5frequency measurement
Frq.t 0.1...20.0 Frequency-gate time [s]
Name Value
range Description
Function of limit 1 (2, 3)
0switched off
1measured value monitoring
2Measured value monitoring + alarm status storage.
A stored limit value can be reset via error list or a digi-
tal input ( -> LOGI/Err.r)
3signal change in minutes
4signal change + alarm status storage. A stored limit va-
lue can be reset via error list or a digital input ( ->
Source of limit 1 (2, 3)
0process value = Absolute alarm
3measured value INP1
4measured value INP2
5Counter/frequency value
Out.1,Out.2µand Out3
Name Value range Description
O.tYP Signal type selection OUT3 only
0relay / logic
10 ... 20 mA continuous
24 ... 20 mA continuous
30...10 V continuous
42...10 V continuous
5transmitter supply
6frequency µ
O.Act Method of operation of output OUT1, 2 or 3
0direct / normally open
1inverse / normally closed
Name Value range Description
Lim.1 Limit 1 signal (only visible when O.TYP=0)
0not active
Lim.2 Limit 2 signal (only visible when O.TYP=0)
0not active
Lim.3 Limit 3 signal (only visible when O.TYP=0)
0not active
Cnt Counter end signal µ
0not active
FAi.1 INP1 error (only visible when O.TYP=0)
0not active
FAi.2 INP2 error (only visible when O.TYP=0)µ
0not active
FAi.F Frequency error signal µ
0not active
Sb.Er System bus error signal µ
0not active
Out.0 -1999
...9999 Scaling of the analog output for 0% (0/4mA or 0/2V,
only visible when O.TYP=1..5)
Out.1 -1999
...9999 Scaling of the analog output for 100% (20mA or 10V,
only visible when O.TYP=1..5)
Out.L -1999
...9999 Input value for lower output frequency µ
Frq.L 0...9999 lower output frequency [Hz] µ
Out.H -1999
...9999 Input value for upper output frequency µ
Frq.H 0...9999 upper output frequency [Hz] µ
O.Src Signal source of the analog output OUT3 (only visi-
ble when O.TYP=1..5)
0not active
3process value
7measured value INP1
8measured value INP2
10 Counter/frequency value µ
O.FAI Fail behaviour
Name Value range Description
di.Fn Function of digital inputs (valid for all inputs)
2toggle key function (adjustable for 2-point-operation
with interface and di1)
L_r Local / Remote switching (Remote: adjusting of all
values by front keys is blocked)
0no function (switch-over via interface is possible)
1always active
2Di1 switches
7limit 1 switches
8limit 2 switches
9limit 3 switches
Err.r Reset of all error list entries
0no function (switch-over via interface is possible)
2Di1 switches
7limit 1 switches
8limit 2 switches
9limit 3 switches
I.ChG Switching between Inp1 and X2
0no function (switch-over via interface is possible)
1Di1 switches
7limit 1 switches
8limit 2 switches
9limit 3 switches
tArA Tare-function µ
0no function (switch-over via interface is possible)
2Di1 switches
7limit 1 switches
8limit 2 switches
9limit 3 switches
HOLd Sample & hold - function µ
0no function (switch-over via interface is possible)
2Di1 switches
7limit 1 switches
8limit 2 switches
9limit 3 switches
rES.L Reset minimum value
0no function (switch-over via interface is possible)
2Di1 switches
7limit 1 switches
8limit 2 switches
9limit 3 switches
Name Value range Description
rES.H Reset maximum value
0no function (switch-over via interface is possible)
2Di1 switches
7limit 1 switches
8limit 2 switches
9limit 3 switches
rES.I Reset integrator µ
0no function (switch-over via interface is possible)
2Di1 switches
6reset-keys switch
7limit 1 switches
8limit 2 switches
9limit 3 switches
rES.C Reset counter µ
0no function (switch-over via interface is possible)
6reset-keys switch
7limit 1 switches
8limit 2 switches
9limit 3 switches
Name Value range Description
bAud Baudrate of the interface µ
02400 Baud
14800 Baud
29600 Baud
319200 Baud
438400 Baud
Addr 1...247 Address on the interace µ
PrtY Data parity on the interface µ
0no parity (2 stop bits)
1even parity
2odd parity
3no parity (1 stopbit)
S.IF System interface µ
0not active
dELY 0...200 Delay of response signal [ms] µ
d.Unt Display unit (presentation on the display)
0no unit
1temperature-unit (see Data Unit)
2O2 - unit
10 l/s
11 l/min
12 Ohm
13 kOhm
14 m
15 A
16 mA
17 V
18 mV
19 kg
20 g
21 t
22 Text of physical unit (preset by T.Unit)
O2 parameterunit for O2 µ
0Parameter in ppm with O2 function
1Parameter in % with O2 function
Unit unit
dP Decimal point (max. number of digits behind the de-
cimal point)
0no digit behind the decimal point
11 digit behind the decimal point
22 digits behind the decimal point
33 digits behind the decimal point
SEGm Display-segment assignment
C.dEl 0..200 Modem delay [ms]
+Depending on equipment version and the configuration unused parameters
are faded out.