• the other one located on back of the PCB supervising the back side of the enclosure in case the EWP3 is illegally removed from the holder (NOTE: In case you
mount the device without a holder (see images on pages 12-15), please make sure that you set a jumper posiion on the DIS-TAMP2 pin of the back tamper
switch to disable it).
• Once the enclosure of EWP3 is tampered, the tamper switch will become triggered. This acion will be followed by alarm, resuling in sending an SMS text
message and/or phone call to the user. The SMS text message contains the violated tamper number.
By wireless connecion loss. The wireless connecion loss between EWP3 and ELDES alarm system leads to alarm. The system ideniies this event as a tamper
violaion and sends alarm by SMS text message and phone call to the user (-s) by default. The SMS text message contains the wireless device model, wireless
ID code and tamper number
The device comes equipped with a built-in temperature sensor allowing to monitor the temperature of the area surrounding EWP3 device. When using the with
PITBULL ALARM or PITBULL ALARM PRO alarm systems, you may set the MIN and MAX temperature thresholds ranging from -10°C to +55°C resuling in a
noiicaion delivery to the listed user and/or PGM output acion (turn ON/OFF; only on ESIM364 and ESIM384) once exceeded.
EWP3 comes up with a power saving mode feature( by default, mode is enabled). This feature helps to save more device’s batery life when there is no need for
movement detecion . Keep in mind that this mode can funcion only when certain condiions are applied (see table on page 20):
During the acivaion and deacivaion of the movement detecion feature some delay might occur, depending on the set test ime period (by
default, test ime is set at 1 min).