Record of Document Revisions
Revision Remarks
... Table with lifecycle information of this document (➜ # 209)
11/2017 Connector options G, H updated, Low Voltage windings added, corrected value B
for AKM4
brake, note about B
and number of springs, AKM82T resistance updated, Web pages updated
01/2018 Number of springs updated
06/2018 Thermal sensor KTY 83-110 replaced by PT1000, Pin-outs updated
Table of Contents
Instructions Manual
(➜ # 3)
Technical Data (➜ # 167)
(➜ # 29)
DimensionDrawings (➜ # 186)
Manuale di Istruzioni
(➜ # 55)
Connector Pinout (➜ # 200)
Manual de Instrucciones
(➜ # 83)
Approvals (➜ # 207)
Manuel d'Installation
(➜ # 111)
Руководство по эксплуатации
(➜ # 139)
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2 Kollmorgen | kdn.kollmorgen.com | June 2018