Danfoss PVENP Neutral Power-off Cable Installationsanleitung

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P301 144
Installation Guide
Neutral Power-off Cable
© Danfoss, 2014-03 11061723 • Rev BC • Mar 2014 1
110 61723
110 6172 3
Tekniske data
Technical Data
Technische Daten
Caractéristiques Techniques
Supply Voltage UDC
rated 11 V to 32 V
max. ripple 5 %
Current consumption at rated voltage > 4 mA @ 12 V > 6 mA @ 24 V
Input impedance in relation to 0.5 x U
(incl. PVE) 12 K Ω
Ambient Temperature
Range -30°–>+60°C [22°->+140°F]
Minimum -30°C [-22°F]
Maximum 75°C [167°F]
AMP JPT connector
Grade of enclosure* IP66
*According to the international standard IEC 529
Response time
Typical Minimum Maximum
Power on -> Power off 250 ms 200 ms 300 ms
2 11061723 • Rev BC • Mar 2014 © Danfoss, 2014-03
The PVENP device is a unit which can be mounted between the input device (joystick or controller) and an analogue PVE*. The
function of the device is to de-energize the supply to the PVE when the set-point is inside a defined range around neutral. See
figure below.
The power to the PVE will switch off when the demand signal is inside a range of ± 4% of neutral. A delay is associated with the
power off function and no delay on the power-on function. (See response time page 1)
* Please note that the fault monitoring is disabled within the defined range around neutral when the PVE is switched off.
DC out
[% of U
50% ~54%~46%
P301 142
34.6 ± 0.2
[1.36 ± 0.008]
89 ± 1.0 [3.50 ± 0.04] 161 ± 4.0 [6.34 ± 0.16]
250 ± 5.0 [9.84 ± 0.20]
P301 143
Pin 4 Error
Pin 3
Pin 2 UDC
Pin 1 US
Pin 4 Error
Pin 3
Pin 2 UDC out
Pin 1 US
© Danfoss, 2014-03 11061723 • Rev BC • Mar 2014 3
Montage af PVENP
Installation of PVENP
Montage von PVENP
Installation de PVENP
1. Remove AMP connector from PVE.
2. Mount the PVENP cable on the PVE.
3. Mount the AMP connector on top of the PVENP cable.
4. Check the main functions of the valve.
5. Check the neutral power off function. The power to the PVE must switch off when the
input signal Us is in neutral. Check that the LED light turns off, which indicates that the
PVE is disconnected. The input signal Us should not be disconnected.
The seal in the PVE connector is crucial for correctly sealing of the connector
Check safety feature
We recommend that the neutral power off function is checked regularly. The power to the PVE must switch off when the input
signal Us is in neutral. Check that the LED light turns off which indicates that the PVE will be disconnected. The input signal Us
should not be disconnected.
Please be aware that when the PVE is disconnected the fault monitoring is disconnected as well.
4 11061723 • Rev BC • Mar 2014 © Danfoss, 2014-03
Alle mærker og typer af retningsventiler – også proportional ventiler – kan svigte og forårsage alvorlig skade. Det er derfor
vigtigt at analysere maskinen i alle enkeltheder.
Da proportionalventiler anvendes under mange forskellige driftsbetingelser og i mange forskellige maskiner, er det alene
maskinproducentens ansvar at træffe det endelige produktvalg og sikre at samtlige maskinens krav til ydelse, sikkerhed og
advarsler er opfyldt.
Ved valg af reguleringssystem- og sikkerhedniveau- kan man f.eks. støtte sig til ISO 13849 (sikkerhedsrelaterede bestanddele i
PVENP må kun benyttes på PVE'er produceret efter uge 23 2007, se venligst PIB PV2008-007. Dette gælder ikke for PVEA, PVENP
kan monteres på alle PVEA uanset uge kode.
All marks and all types of directional control valves – inclusive proportional valves – can fail and cause serious damage. It is
therefore important to analyse all aspects of the application.
Because the proportional valves are used in many different operation conditions and applications, the manufacturer of the
application is alone responsible for making the final selection of the products- and assuring that all performance, safety and
warning requirements of the application are met.
The process of choosing the control system – and safety level – could e.g. be governed by ISO 13849 (Safety related parts of
control system).
PVENP is only to be used on PVEs produced after week 23 2007, please refer to PIB PV2008-007. The exception is PVEA where the
PVENP can be mounted irrespective of the week code.
Alle Fabrikate und Typen von Wegeventilen – einschlieβlich proportionalventile – können versagen und schlimme Unfälle
verursachen. Es ist daher wichtig, die Anwendung in allen Details zu analysieren.
Weil proportionalventile unter vielen unterschiedlichen Arbeitsbedingungen und in vielen verschiedenen Anwendungen
benutzt werden, trägt allein der Maschinenhersteller die verantwortung für seine endgültige wahl von produkt, und er ist
ebenfalles dafür verantwortlich, dass alle leistungs-, sicherheits- und warnungsanforderungen an seine maschine erfüllt sind.
Zur wahl vom Reglersystem und sicherheitsniveau kann man sich z.b. auf ISO 13849 stützen.
PVENP darf nur an PVE Einheiten jünger als Herstellungswoche 23 2007 verwendet werden (vgl. PIB PV2008-007). Gilt nicht für
PVEA - PVENP kann an alle PVEA Einheiten ungeachtet Herstellungswoche montiert werden.
Tous les distributeurs – y compris les distributeurs proportionnels – peuvent tomber en panne et entrâiner de sérieux
dommages. C'est la raison pour laquelle il est important d'analyser chaque aspect de l'application. Les vannes proportionnelles
étant utilisées dans de nombreuses conditions d'exploitation et applications différentes, le fabricant de l'application porte
l'entière responsabilité de la sélection finale des produits et du respect des exigences en matière de rendement, de sécurité et
d'avertissement. Le choix du système de commande – et du niveau de sécurité – peut être fait par exemple sur la base de la
norme ISO 13849 (parties du système de commande relatives à la sécurité).
PVENP ne peut être monté que sur les PVEs produits après la semaine 23-2007, pour plus d'information consulter PIB PV2008-
007. NB! Cette restriction n'est pas valable pour les PVEAs, PVENP peut être monté sur tous les PVEAs quelque soit leur semaine
de fabrication.