49 dinosaur cards, 7 T. Rex cards, 1 T. Rex pla
ure, Set of
ame instructions
Game Idea
The dinosaurs have to hide but not all hiding places are suitable
or every
inosaur. A dinosaur can only
ee to a place where another dinosaur o
same species or the same color has hidden. There
ore, you have to memorize
ully, who is hiding in which place. As soon as the right dinosaur reaches
this place the previous one ma
be retrieved from the hidin
place and taken
to safet
owever, if
ou are unluck
, the dan
erous T. Rex mi
ht also chase awa
inosaur that thou
ht he was safe
hoever has collected the most dinosaurs at the end is the happ
Preparation of the Game
e all cards and pile them
ace down in a provision pile
Take nine cards
rom the top o
the pile and place them
ace down in a grid
of 3 b
3 cards. This is the hidin
place of the dinosaurs. Place the T. Rex pla
ure in the center of the table