straight, so that the individual vertebrae are held in the
biomechanically correct position, e.g. to protect the
disc against faulty loads.
Do not train with momentum and / or jerkily. Perform
all exercises in a smooth and controlled manner. Note
that in case of improper or excessive training negative
effects on your health are possible.
Exercise instructions
(A) Sit-ups (front torso muscles)
Sit on the seat as shown and lean back against the
training arms. Stabilise your body and do the sit-ups
while balancing your body. Depending on the intensity,
you can keep your arms behind your head or in front
of your body.
(B) Push-ups (front torso muscles, triceps, chest)
Lie down on the multipurpose fitness equipment in the
push-up position as shown so that the padded training
arms rest on the hips and so support them. Keep the
body straight and use the supporting action of the mul-
ti-purpose fitness equipment to do push-ups from the
lying position by pressing the arms up and lowering
them again.
(C) Scissor kick (rear buttock, thigh and torso muscles)
Sit down in front of the multipurpose fitness equipment
as shown. Lean back with the upper body and hold
yourself up on your elbows. Place your legs on the
training arms of the multipurpose fitness equipment.
Press your stretched legs downwards while keeping
your body straight. Alternate your legs.
(D) Triceps press (triceps, shoulders)
Kneel on the seat of the multipurpose fitness equipment
as shown. Place your hands on the training arms and
press down while keeping your body in a rigid posi-
tion. Alternate your arms.
(E) Dips (triceps, shoulders)
Sit down on the seat of the multipurpose fitness equip-
ment with your back to the training arms. Place your
hands on the training arms and press down while
keeping your body in a rigid position. Press down with
both arms at the same time.
(F) Alternating dips (triceps, shoulders)
Sit down on the seat of the multipurpose fitness equip-
ment with your back to the training arms. Place your
hands on the training arms and press down while
keeping your body in a rigid position. Alternate your
(G) Leg press (rear buttock, thigh and torso muscles)
Sit down on a chair in front of the multipurpose fitness
equipment as shown. Place both feet on the training
arms of the multipurpose fitness equipment. Press down
with your legs while keeping your body in a rigid posi-
tion. Press down with both legs at the same time.
(H) Cycling (rear buttock, thigh and torso muscles)
Sit on a chair in front of the multipurpose fitness
equipment as shown. Place your feet on the training
arms of the multipurpose fitness equipment. Press down
with your legs while keeping your body in a rigid posi-
tion. Alternate your legs.
(I) Cycling twister (rear and side buttock, thigh and
torso muscles)
Sit on a chair in front of the multipurpose fitness
equipment as shown. Place your feet on the training
arms of the multipurpose fitness equipment. Press down
with your legs while keeping your body in a rigid posi-
tion. Alternate your legs.
Add a „twist‰ to the "normal" cycling exercise shown
above by turning your upper body towards the knee in
the higher position (see image). Alternate the move-
ment to the left and right.
After training, treat you new equipment as follows so
that you can enjoy it for a long time:
1. Fold up the equipment and store it, as far as
possible, where it is not in anyoneÊs way.
2. Wipe the equipment and the handles with a dry
cloth. Do this to clean the components and pre-
venting sweat from drying on the equipment.
Under normal conditions and use your multipurpose
fitness equipment is maintenance-free. Nevertheless,
the user is responsible to regularly check that these
parts fit tightly and that wear is not affecting the per-
formance of the equipment. In accordance with EN ISO
20957-1:2013 par. 5.15, pay particular attention to
the condition of highly stressed parts such as the foam
grips or the adjustment knobs.
Do not use aggressive cleaning agents on the equip-
ment, but remove any dirt and dust with a soft or slight-
ly damp cloth.
Any modification to the original parts, materials or the
construction of the multipurpose fitness equipment can
significantly reduce its performance. The same applies